k-12 market research

Understanding, Targeting, and Reaching Younger Customers

As every marketing professional knows, consumers can be incredibly tricky to get a handle on. Tastes and desires are fickle, ever-shifting things, and even those who succeed in pinning down today's top preferences often find themselves left out in the cold before long.

While figuring out how best to target adult consumers can be challenging, focusing on younger audiences is even more difficult. Children are not just every bit as fluid and quick to change on a basic level as adults; the fact that they are also growing up with the passage of time makes them even harder to pin down.

Fortunately, there are good ways of overcoming these hurdles for those who seek out the right kind of help. Specialists at school marketing, because they focus solely on these incredibly tricky cohorts, have developed a number of unique, finely tuned techniques that have been proven to help with the tough task of marketing to younger buyers.

Basic k-12 market research, for example, shares quite a bit in common with the style of study normally used for adults, but adds in a number of important tweaks. While adults can be less than forthcoming about their true preferences and desires, for instance, children are even harder to read in these respects. Because of that, those who focus on figuring out how to market to children have had to develop new ways of revealing the true feelings of their subjects.

While some effort of this sort goes into market research that focuses on adults, it takes on a far more pointed importance when it comes to young subjects. Marketers who want to succeed in understanding what these market segments really want, then, have to devote themselves to the task to a truly fundamental degree.

While figuring out how best to reach younger consumers, then, can be a challenging task, the reality is that there are proven avenues for doing so. The most important lesson, most experts believe, is that marketers should not simply be satisfied with treating young audiences as less-developed versions of mature ones. In fact, these younger buyers are often even more complex than their older, more entrenched counterparts.


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